Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Why, Chicago?

Why, Chicago?

Oh boy.

So, we make guns easier for them to get? And we allow more, untrained citizens access to guns? I guess the Gun Cult wants a return to this...

News flash Markie-boy: Your fellow leftists and hoplophobes have been crying "Blood in the streets! OK corral gunfights!" for almost thirty years. That's right, the EXACT same argument you are using was used when Florida passed its concealed carry law back in the eighties! Wanna guess at what's happened? Well it sure isn't what you are claiming would. But of course you know that, you've been educated when you used to pretend to care about the truth. So you have no excuse for this blatant lie. But that's also nothing new either.

...over the course of several decades in the 19th and 20th century. The result of such an influx of people resulted in a jolt of increased population density that was economically harmful to the area.

So wait....Your claiming that an influx of people 100 years ago resulted in a depressed economy for the next 100 years? Wow, that's obvious when you look at the skyline of the city, stuck in early 20th century buildings as they have been economically depressed since then. Right? Right?

We can't even begin to discuss possible solutions until we recognize the problem.

We have established, long ago, that you are incapable of recognizing truth even when it's placed directly in front of your face. As such you talking about other having to do what you can't is hilarious.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

26 Dead And...

26 Dead And...

Yet at the same time Marxy will tell you it is xenophobic and racist to blame Islam or Muslims for the former while he most certainly blames guns and gun owners for the latter....

It's almost like he's not honest or something.

p.s. hey Marxy, how's that question on Quora going? Had your anti-gun masturbatory material shot down enough yet? Hell, even your left wing fellow travelers have told you it's a b.s. study. All that demand for critical review of it, where is YOUR critical review. That'd be fun to laugh at.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Pass Three Laws

Pass Three Laws

Wow! So Mark is seriously promoting this "peer reviewed*" "study" that was debunked almost the day it was released.

He is over on Quora demanding people pay The Lancet $30+ dollars to "review" the study before he will "accept" any criticism of this "peer reviewed*" "study". Hell, he hasn't even reviewed the "study".

*Mark thinks peer review means that 'experts' have verified and confirmed the study in it's entirety. What a maroon.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016



Yeah, I thought the level of politics hit rock bottom when one side thought it was appropriate for it's people to vote for their candidate based solely upon the color of his skin.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Trump As Hitler?

Trump As Hitler? 

So wait a minute there Marxy......

A front running candidate who, it must be admitted at this point, has a shot of winning not only the nomination but also the whole thing is a potential totalitarian?

But what about all those years that you have claimed those who think the second amendment could prevent a tyranny are crazy because a tyranny COULD NOT happen here?

You really gotta make up your mind dude.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Oh boy....

Super Tuesday Predictions

The GOP as we know it is officially dead.

I've been saying that it was coming for years. The writing was on the wall. Spend time lying to your supporters, stoking fear, anger and hatred-all of which are steeped in xenophobia and racism?
Marxadoodle unabashedly says this. LOL. Okay Mark, you've been saying the GOP is going the way of the dodo. But you've also been claiming the reason is that they are all going to become Democrats or some such shit.

That's not what you are saying here, so don't be a lying dickhead and claim this is what you've always been saying. Sheesh.

And what can I say about Nikto's fascination with Trump age and sex life?

Really Nikto? You do realize that Trump is a moderate don't you? The guy is barely a Republican and his Democrat registration card still resides in his pocket? The guy is one letter away from the both of you creaming your pants over him being 'your' guy.