Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Republican Brain Part Four: Denying Minds

The Republican Brain Part Four: Denying Minds


  1. I know I shouldn't be surprised. I've read Mark for years and have seen this exact thing in action repeatedly. But damn....

    They avoid situations and information that makes this sense of discomfort continue. Like the Seekers, they goalpost shift when their now completely refuted claims meet their demise. All too often, the goalpost shift takes the form of a personal attack against the person who refuted their claim. This makes complete sense because they feel themselves feel like they are under attack.

    My jaw dropped reading this. Mark actually posted this and directed it at conservatives completely without any self realization that this is a large part of his standard operating procedure? Mark feels pointing out his goalpost shift is a personal attack against him - and it makes him uncomfortable to the point that he will delete any posts doing so. Etc, etc... and so on.

  2. He's as self-aware as your average broiling hen.

  3. Hey look! Blk posted a comment that is both a personal attack against Mark and an argument about an argument.... but yet the comment hasn't been deleted....

    Keep claiming a mantle of fair and balanced Mark, maybe low information yippee dog posse recruits may believe it.
