Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

More Blood On Their Hands

More Blood On Their Hands


  1. Had Manchin-Toomey been passed in 2013, all 8 of these people would still be alive.

    That is quite simply a lie. Based upon complete ignorance that you have fostered despite a willing cadre of people to teach you.

    And you need to be put away.

    Conspiracy to violate constitutional rights actually is a crime. Perhaps you should stop conspiring.

  2. Why do you think he picked a fictitious "real name" for Quora? Plausible, but with enough false hits that he can't be identified? I'm not sure he was lying on his blog when he claimed his father's name was Mark but his was not (necessarily), but with an easily proven serial liar, who can tell? Like the Clintons, only really big whopping lies stand out above the background noise of common, everyday lies.

  3. And no wonder he loves him some Hillary? Hmm, he called her Hilldog or Hillzdog once, isn't that the same as calling her a bitch (female dog)? Maybe we should email that in to the Clinton campaign and let them turn their dogs loose on this obviouse h8er?

  4. Serial liar - that is a very accurate way of stating it.
