Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What Good Guys With Guns Do...

What Good Guys With Guns Do...


  1. LOL!!!!!! Cause we know the media ALWAYS GETS THE STORY RIGHT THE FIRST TIME ---- right? right?

    Other reports for this are saying the victim was injured by the suspects - not the shooter. Most are even saying that the police are looking for the 'witness/good samaritan'.

    Let me ask the braniac in charge: If the 'witness' didn't stick around, how does anybody know that he was shooting at the car jackers or at the victim?

    Critical thinking skills on show all the way around on this one. Buncha dumbshits.

  2. Don't know if this will make it through moderation at the Political Zombie's site:
    "Why, yes, another early media story turns out to be garbled bullshit: A man said he was hit on the head near a bus station on the edge of the parking lot. A witness saw what happened and as two suspects got in the man's truck to escape, the witness pulled out a gun and shot at the departing truck. The carjackers hit the man on the head and put him in the hospital, not the witness."

  3. Wait....this post in no way whatsoever violates any of Marxy's stated rules.

    What a piece of work he is.
