Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016



" And he's Hispanic....hee hee:)"
And Marxy outs himself. Identity politics are apparently more important than truth. Not that I'm surprised.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The End of Oil

The End of Oil

"One need only look at what's going in Venezuela to see what happens when you rely on oil these days. Man, I love the free market."
One only need look at what's going on in Venezuela to see what happens when you rely upon socialism and government for your economy - even with the 'cheat codes' support of large oil reserves.

" If the world is producing more oil, why are gas prices going up? "


How many thousands of words were wasted debating with the economically illiterate Marxy when he could not fathom US oil production increasing enough to impact world oil prices. And here he is acting again like he knows what he's talking about.

Hey Marxy, did your community college economics class teach you what happens when supply doesn't meet demand? Secondary, did it teach you what that does to those who create the supply?

For fucks sake - sometimes I think the only way you understand economics is as a static picture in a textbook that you can quote out of context and use a bunch of technobable to fill in the middle parts (like 1+1=2) that you don't understand.

Yay Hawai!

Yay Hawai!

"Considering they fully support mentally unstable people acquiring firearms easily, they can fuck right off."

LOL! Utterly false. Standard Marxaphasia lie.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Bathroom Wars Escalate into Violence

Bathroom Wars Escalate into Violence

Nikto you ignorant slut. The entire story behind this story starts and ends with "it happened at Walmart." Trying to read into it anything more just proves either you are a partisan shill (yes) or you are out of touch with reality (also yes).

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Greatest Answer Ever On Quora

The Greatest Answer Ever On Quora

So you finally found a Quora answer that fits your pre-conceived notions? Yay! Good for you. You think one "number 1" answer outweighs and overrules all the other comparative answers that are voted out of existence? Keep on keeping on dude.

Oh, and by to the way - the very liberal 9th just today announced this:

Win In The 9th Circuit

"Writing for the majority, Judge O’Scannlain held that the “right of law-abiding citizens to keep and to bear arms is not a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees…”"

 Oh and: " And we will never stop until you are completely fucking neutered."

Keep threatening a certain segment of the population and they are going  to think of you as a threat and respond accordingly.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Man Baby

The Man Baby
I knew ole Marxy would post this. Apparently I'm not the only one.

Jon Stewart calls Trump a ‘Man-baby’

No doubt this clip will be praised on the left by those who miss him but it’s really the same partisan clapper material he’s make his career doing only with much less energy.

Yup. But the meat of the post is this:

One could spend hours reviewing the distaste of Jon Stewart-loving progressives for the evangelical, church-going, gun-owning, patriotic, free speech advocating, talk radio listening people who reside in fly-over country. In fact, Stewart made a living catering these people. If he was a remotely honest observer he would point out the partisan animosity he helps generate is, at a minimum, very mutual.

Emphasis mine. Yeah, welcome to the party you helped create pal. Don't like Trump? - you helped create him. Don't like the R's not cooperating? - unlike what O says, you did make that. The partisanship going around isn't one sided and didn't happen only on the 'other sides' watch.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

See You At The Polls!

See You At The Polls!


We've been seeing you at the polls for the last twenty years. You've been losing. For a reason.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Fallout From Indiana

The Fallout From Indiana

Now here's the things that Marxy keeps ignoring when he says something like this:

"I can't think of a better example of the GOP today. Donald Trump is angry, hateful, willfully ignorant, adolescent, racist, bigoted, and highly unintelligent"

Most every actual conservative I follow in blog-ville is not a Trump supporter. They say he isn't a conservative.

Cruz is the conservative's conservative. He didn't get the nod. Let's repeat that, the conservative candidate from the conservative party DID NOT get selected.

Trump's biggest wins have been in states with open primaries. You know, the kind of place where liberals can vote for the Republican candidate.

And Marxy points at Trump and sees NOTHING but the actions of the conservative wing?

Get your head out of the echo chamber dude.