Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The End of Oil

The End of Oil

"One need only look at what's going in Venezuela to see what happens when you rely on oil these days. Man, I love the free market."
One only need look at what's going on in Venezuela to see what happens when you rely upon socialism and government for your economy - even with the 'cheat codes' support of large oil reserves.

" If the world is producing more oil, why are gas prices going up? "


How many thousands of words were wasted debating with the economically illiterate Marxy when he could not fathom US oil production increasing enough to impact world oil prices. And here he is acting again like he knows what he's talking about.

Hey Marxy, did your community college economics class teach you what happens when supply doesn't meet demand? Secondary, did it teach you what that does to those who create the supply?

For fucks sake - sometimes I think the only way you understand economics is as a static picture in a textbook that you can quote out of context and use a bunch of technobable to fill in the middle parts (like 1+1=2) that you don't understand.

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