A roll of continued tantrum throwing that is.
Note to Marxy:
The nazi card is played out. Nobody but sore losers believe it or care.
That Russian hacking? If by saying Russia influenced the election you really mean they exposed the truth of Democratic corruption, malfeasance and criminal activity - you should be happy that Trump isn't addressing it because such an address would require an investigation. Such would certainly result in about half your party serving prison sentences.
Good Lord! I've refrained from even visiting his deranged site for months, and now did so via Tor, just because. He and Marko have really gone off the deep end. I thought they were bad in 2008-onward. Revealing the truth about Democrat primary-fixing: down the memory hole. Fake news? The fact that Democrats are at least as guilty and probably more so, given that every media outlet other than Fox has been totally in the tank for Hillary! for at least a year, and the so-called "Russian hacks" have only REVEALED that fact only shows the media-political complex. Trump was NOT my candidate, but most of his appointments since winning support my (very) reluctant for him. The ones that cause me concern are the same sort of of Goldman-Sachs appointments that Felonious Milhous von Pantsuit would've made. My comments on his idiotic site have of course been consigned to the memory hole.
ReplyDelete/Surprahz, surprahz, surpahz!"