Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cool Guy With Gun At Airport

Cool Guy With Gun At Airport


  1. carry his AR-15 at the airport. And then he likes to complain about being harassed by the police. Gosh, I can't imagine why.

    Yeah, me either since as your own frickin link specifically says " Under Georgia state law it is legal for citizens to walk through the airport with their weapons displayed, provided they do not move into the TSA-controlled secure areas of the airport property."

    It's because of panty wetting people like Marxy who 'can't imagine' what would be wrong with harassing a person who is NOT BREAKING THE LAW just because you dislike what he is doing.

    Oh, and Marxy thinks he's being cute with the victim remark. At this point all I have to say is that if Mark can't be persuaded by the evidence presented to him then he simply is not persuadable. So much for open minded and reflective huh?

  2. so open minded and reflective that he can't take opposed views on his blog any longer, got voted out of SM blog, and regurgitates debunked lies repeatedly. I swear, I have never seen anyone so willfully ignorant yet claims he is a historian, economist, etc. I just have to laugh...daily.

  3. From what little 'history' I've seen presented by him, I'd say that he's a historian much like he is a Christian - Throws out the stuff he doesn't like and adds the stuff he wants but isn't there.
