Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Well, That Didn't Take Long

Well, That Didn't Take Long


  1. God damn Mark you are a stupid motherfucker.

    Are you completely unable to read and comprehend or are you AGAIN purposely misleading and lying?

    He stated (accurately) that eight of the church members might be alive if the pastor had allowed members to carry handguns. That is something that you CAN NOT DENY.

  2. Accurately stating inconvenient facts and reaching hypothetical conclusions from them is "blaming the victim". Just like when my cousin drowned in a river after eating, and nearly drowned one of his friends trying to save him. I made the faux pas of accurately pointing out days later that if anybody had had Red Cross lifeguard training, he'd likely have lived, and that everyone really should get such the basic rescue training. I was treated as if I personally gone out there and drowned him myself, and tried to drown the other kid. And that's the shit the freakazoids like Markashittinhisself and his ilk do in cases like this. You say, "A," they emotionally hear, "B".

  3. Emotionally. That word pretty much sums it all up. Facts need not apply.
