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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

No, Polygamy is Not the Next Step

No, Polygamy is Not the Next Step


  1. I'll just put this out there - Nikto is an idiot.

    In a post that he expends many words explaining why the same legal precedent that incorporates same sex marriage as a right does not similarly apply to multiple partner marriage - not once does he reference that legal precedent, it's legal logic nor it's legal argument to support his position.

    One would think that in order to explain why a legal case applies to one set of circumstances but does not in another - one would have to somehow reference that law.

    But not ole Nikto - he don't need no steenkin law.

  2. And oh damn, I completely forgot to comment on his finish line....

    "If people want to live together in their own freaky version of polyamory, they can do that. But they don't need the blessing of the government to do it. "

    Except that didn't work when the argument was 'if people want to live together in their own freaky version of monogamy (or gay marriage if you will), they can do that. But they don't need the blessing of the government to do it'.

    My my. Doesn't Nikto sound positively hateful? Remember, liberals are not tolerant. They only demand other people be tolerant of only the things they like.
