I guess when a guy named Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez goes on a shooting spree, it's terror. When thousands of other Americans do it, we have either shrugs, oh wells, or fucking crickets.
Well, yes you moron. Terrorism actually has a definition:
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve some goal
So no, your claim that 'thousands' of Americans 'do it' is just false. You know, a lie.
Oh, and were there guns at either of the military facilities? Y'know...the whole gun free zone dealio...
Really? You can't be this stupid can you? No - there were not armed good guys at the facilities.
And the kicker:
another example of someone who not have been allowed to own a gun had we passed Manchin Toomey.
Jesus Christ - do you just fucking assume that M-T is the great 'bad guy stopper'? The information on this dude is simply too early to assume that he would or would not have passed a background check. It is too early to assume where he aquired his guns. Without the accurate knowledge on those two subjects YOU SIMPLY CANNOT make a claim about what he did or did not do, what he could or could not do - Therefore you do not the knowledge to make a claim that M-T would have stopped....anything. (This is besides the fact that you refuse to learn what current practice is and conflate many things in M-T as somehow new or better than current NICS)
I guess when a guy named Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez goes on a shooting spree, it's terror. When thousands of other Americans do it, we have either shrugs, oh wells, or fucking crickets.
ReplyDeleteWell, yes you moron. Terrorism actually has a definition:
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve some goal
So no, your claim that 'thousands' of Americans 'do it' is just false. You know, a lie.
Oh, and were there guns at either of the military facilities? Y'know...the whole gun free zone dealio...
Really? You can't be this stupid can you? No - there were not armed good guys at the facilities.
And the kicker:
another example of someone who not have been allowed to own a gun had we passed Manchin Toomey.
Jesus Christ - do you just fucking assume that M-T is the great 'bad guy stopper'? The information on this dude is simply too early to assume that he would or would not have passed a background check. It is too early to assume where he aquired his guns. Without the accurate knowledge on those two subjects YOU SIMPLY CANNOT make a claim about what he did or did not do, what he could or could not do - Therefore you do not the knowledge to make a claim that M-T would have stopped....anything. (This is besides the fact that you refuse to learn what current practice is and conflate many things in M-T as somehow new or better than current NICS)