Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Zero Outrage

Zero Outrage 


  1. Don't worry Marxy, you have enough manufactured outrage to make up the slack.

  2. In case it doesn't make it through "moderation" by the immoderate moderator:
    Read for comprehension, not Outrage(tm), please. 418 children killed or wounded. At least that's what their front page declares. If you get their data and sum it, they list 184 killed, 408 wounded in 2015. As is all too common with agenda-driven statistics, they seem to have problems with basic math. Or can't use Excel properly. Or something.

  3. Don't think he wants to hear it.

    The boy is acting more and more childish and bizarre as the years go on.

  4. I wonder which one of the "rules" that comment violated? At least this time I remembered to copy it before posting it. "Reasoned discourse" is in effect, I see.

    I remember when Marxy first brought that joke of a site up, crowing about how few "defensive uses" of firearms there "really" are, when in fact the only defensive use that they counted was when someone was actually shot. Only an ignoranus (both stupid and an asshole) could think that's a valid measure, and even then, they under-counted. A site that can't even get the most basic stuff right sure can't be trusted on anything else. I wonder where they get their funding for their very, very flawed "archive"? To be fair, they don't have to be anywhere even close to accurate because their intended audience doesn't care if they're accurate or just making shit up, so long as they advance the Party line.

  5. I remember when Marxy at least made a token attempt to at honest debate - at least he would let opposing views be aired. Not that any opposing view ever penetrated his wall of ignorance.

  6. Just noticed something. You told Marxy on Friday that his stats were wrong and he just deleted your post.

    He made an almost identical post on Quora on Thursday (slickly turned into a "question", or in other words a thinly veiled assertion lacking facts) and left the wrong stats in it until it was pointed out to him on Monday - when he did actually fix it there. I notice he still has the wrong stats listed on his blog post.

    Apparently when you can 'delete' facts you don't like you don't have errors that need to be fixed.
