Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dedicated To Gun Bloggers and Gun Blog Commenters

Dedicated To Gun Bloggers and Gun Blog Commenters


  1. Oh brother.......

    If Mark had a ounce of intellectual curiosity he would never have posted that video.

    Specifically, it misrepresents EXACTLY what was said and what was meant when the phrase 'good guy with a gun' is said.

    The FBI report does not say what the video says it says and the entire episode is based upon intentionally lying.

    Way to go.

  2. Doesn't matter to Marxie whether it's true or false, only whether it advances the narrative (party line of the moment). Remember, the title of his blog markadelphia was "Notes From The Front". Since he was never in the military and only rarely posting military affairs, but is a marxist-oriented social studies teacher (the original soft "studies" course), it was always strongly reminiscent of old Soviet reports from the "Education Front", the "Manufacturing Front", the "Agricultural Front", etc., so I think we can be fairly confident on which "Front" he was reporting from.

    He can be trusted to do a complete 180 on anything whenever that advances the narrative of the moment. He's so Orwellian I'd think he was a parody, and actually thought he was when I first encountered him.

  3. Hmm, wish blogspot would allow edits for those moments when you realize a split-second too late...

    Marxie's definitely pretending he has no comments now rather than concede that he deletes the only comments he gets. Snort. How pathetic is that?

  4. Yeah - comment editing would be nice.

    His Quora question on this "comedy" central hard hitting news piece is a prime example of his modus.

    He asks question after question after question - each one a measly-worded attempt at advancing his narrative. Then he gets his answers. Over and over the majority of the answers shoot down his contentions and suppositions. Then some fellow traveler shows up and answers it in a manner that fits the narrative. Boom! Good words! Pathetic.

    Hell, he blocks people at Quora who point out to him that he is wrong. Oh, he claims it's because they are rude - but he's the one who was suspended for violating policies there.
