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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

This Week in Gun Tropes

This Week in Gun Tropes

1 comment:

  1. Oh, gun expert N speaks again......

    1) Cops are trained BS again. Look dude, cops aren't that well fucking trained. Additionally, the training? Ain't that fucking hard for Joe 'Doofus' to get either. Secondly - the difference between Joe Friday and Joe Citizen is that Joe Friday HAS to go looking for trouble while Joe Citizen only had to protect himself. Somebody who know shit about self defense would understand how that makes a difference.

    2) You don't know shit about gunfights and you are giving advice on what the cops should have done? The problem in this case isn't that they shot Rice - the problem was that they placed themselves in a position that they had to shoot him. They should not have pulled their car so close and practically guaranteed that under police training standards they didn't give time for anything other than shooting.

    But to add insult to injury you again show your ignorance - and open carry person would not have been shot under the EXACT SAME circumstances. Why? Look up brandishing. Nice racism segue though dude. Gotta get that racism angle in there somehow.

    3) "The only way to reduce the carnage wrought by guns is to reduce the number of guns" As Kevin Baker has been saying for years - the anti-gun position: If the problem is "too many guns" the solution is less guns to something indistinguishable from zero.

    Mark has already come out of the closet. Not that Nikto has ever claimed to support the second amendment, but it's nice to have him on record as being against fundamental human rights. Such a record will come in handy at their trials.
