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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Deadly Trap of Opioid Painkillers

The Deadly Trap of Opioid Painkillers


  1. Ahhh, Dr. Nikto has blathered on about things he is completely unqualified to espouse upon. What's new?

  2. He's obviously someone who's never suffered from severe, chronic pain, such as from a back injury. Nikto's pretty blithe about recommending surgery. I suggest he talk to someone who's had more than one surgery, extensive rehab and therapy, but to no avail.

  3. Yup, then he makes the cross claim that pharmaceutical companies are pushing opioid sales to make more money. Right, a rather generic drug that sells for pennies is what they would push over name brand drugs that they have active patents on...

    One of the points he makes - doctors push pain kilers and patients ask for them - he makes in a vacuum. Remember Obama-care? Yeah, the ACA increases the push for "patient satisfaction" scores. This means that hospitals are "graded" on how happy their patients are rather than if the medical care they received was proper. If patients think they "need" pain meds then the impetus is to give them the freeking pain meds. Don't like the results of that? Repeal the ACA.
