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Thursday, December 10, 2015

The NRA's Vision is Anarchy

The NRA's Vision is Anarchy


  1. That entire article is a complete load of bull crap. That you can even believe it despite the REAL evidence against it shows more about you than anything else.

  2. Well, for what it's worth:

    You mean yet another long-time Democratic Party stronghold is a hell-hole? This is my shocked face! A very rapid Google search shows that the crime rate in Milwaukee was quite a bit higher in the past than it is now, though there's been an increase in the last 3-4 years. The significantly higher crime rates earlier this century were before Scott Walker appeared on the scene, so how do you explain those?

    How do you explain Phoenix's non-existent crime since "Constitutional Carry" was adopted? Or other cities in states where no CCW permit is required (if you're legal to buy a pistol, you're legal to carry it concealed, but in any interaction with a LE officer, you are required to inform the officer)?

    I mean, come on, look at the list of top crime cities in America. They're all or nearly all (I stopped counting after a bit) Democratic Party strongholds and have been for decades. Why are Republican-run cities of similar size generally wuite a bit better-run crime-wise over the last couple generations? Care to explain that "little detail"?


    Not that he's even pretending to do anything but lecture from the podium and "grade" papers based on whether he agreees with it not...
    (I wonder why he chose his particular profession? God knows he's no "historian" or "economist", and he certainly is working as one or he'd have some published papers or other works. What a fraud.)

    1. isn't working as one or he'd have some published papers...

  3. Ah, the mythical penis joke of gun ownership originated by penis-less gun-banners. Funny, a LOT of recent buyers of pistols have been women. It looks as though actual people, based one actual sales, are voting with their wallets. Scream, little piggies, scream ... you're as ineffectual in persuading actual citizens as the East German government was. The more you shout, "Gun control! Like California has," you know, the laws that completely failed to prevent criminals/terrorists from violating state and Federal laws [imagine that!] when it's obvious that your Emperor has no clothes, the more obvious it is that you're losing. Suck it.
