Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Looking Back At A Great Year

Looking Back At A Great Year

1 comment:

  1. What the Gun Cult fails to grasp is that society is filled with irresponsible people who end up falling through the cracks of loose gun laws.

    Wait. This is a freaking police officer you are talking about. One of those sprinkled with the pixie dust of government approval types that you think are the 'only one's' allowed to have guns. How a police officer keeps and handles his gun has not one thing whatsoever to do with the so-called gun cult.

    Further, no matter how 'reasonable' you sound regarding gun laws you simply cannot escape one fact:

    "Fuck the second amendment"
    Mark Ward 2015

    Remember when you used to claim that when we claimed the anti-gun forces would take a first step and then another step to get rid of guns? You called that a logical fallacy of the slippery slope variety? Yeah, you said "fuck the second amendment" - anything you say that sounds "reasonable" is now tainted by that non-fallacy slippery slope. You DO want to take guns and anything you get that is less that that is simply a "step in the right direction".

    You are no longer a reasonable party in the discussion.
