Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Throttling down

When I started this blog, it was simply to prevent Mark from memory-holing the work and time and effort of people who only committed the "crime" of disagreeing with him.

Mission accomplished.

However he has essentially destroyed his blog. Nobody comments. Unless a blog has enough viewership to have views be a mass unto themself then comments are the sign of blog life. He has none.

Nobody wants to comment at his place due to his own rules. Oh well. But if no one wants to comment to him - that decreases the desire for anyone to comment here as well. That includes me. He's no fun. He provides no intelligent debate. In short, he has recused himself from any conversation and his words, thoughts and ideas are valued less because of that.

On my end, changes in my family, work and life are putting at a premium the time necessary to fulfill the duties of operating this blog.

Changes have to be made.

I will not be continuing to update this blog to reflect every post made at Marks site.

If something particular catches my eye I may post upon it. If one of my readers has their eye caught and wishes to make commentary upon it, shoot me an email and I'll throw up a post for that to happen.

Thanks all for reading.



  1. Well, it's been fun. Honestly, I've only been visiting his blog occasionally, based upon your comments upon it. It really is the Marxie and Nikto Echo Hour over there now. Lord knows there's more productive things to do with our time. You'd think he'd find something better to do with his time, huh?

  2. Yeah, I don't understand the mentality of a person who refuses to admit a fluid, back and forth discussion on matters. Seems to be productive only in the self fantasy, mental masturbation category.

  3. Well, I appreciate your work and enjoy the comments from you and Larry. I tend to come here first and read through since his drivel is the same stupid we saw over years and years. I know he likes quora because there are quite a few other idiots out there that give him an ego boost. Still wrong all the time.
