Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Memo To Next President: Tougher Gun Laws

Memo To Next President: Tougher Gun Laws


  1. You had no idea because it just ain't true. If you read answers to your own frickin' Quora questions you'd know this.

    Willful ignorance seems to be your default position.

  2. It's why he's in his chosen profession -- he lectures to, pretends to discuss a bit, and then rewards or punished via grades. His own little dictator of the classroom, the intellectual version of a pedophile, attracted to the young, naive, and still developing minds of his prey.

  3. Intellectual pedophile? Damn, that's good. Also explains why he won't allow discussion - he's not attracted to minds that he can't exploit.

  4. He does like quora mostly to get and give likes on his idiotic stances.
