Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Donald Trump With A Gay Voice (or Marxy committing a hate crime)

Donald Trump With A Gay Voice

What the fuck do you think you are doing Mark? Gay voice? What the fuck is a 'gay voice'. Do you use the phrase 'gay x' often? That looks 'gay'?

Mr. high and mighty liberal has no clue how offensive he just was. Not only offensive but offensive towards a protected class in today's society. Holy crap Marxy, under your teams own rules you just committed a hate crime.

Hate crime!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Round up

Good Words

Marxy takes an answer on Quora, than none of the other answers comes even close to agreeing with, and he calls it 'good words'. It's ridiculous, completely wrong and illegal, but they're 'good words'. Okay then.

Then he adds these gems:
"I would add that the mental health evaluations be at least three times a year and one hundred hours a year minimum training."
Uhh, okay captain gun control. Based upon your years of experience handling guns what factors did you take into account in your 'professional' recommendations for one hundred hours of training? And based upon your standing as a mental health professional what reasons are you giving for your recommendation of three evaluations per year?

Just pulled it out of your ass? Ahhh, that's what I thought.

War Zones Are Safe!

Hey! You know what's fun? Deliberately twisting a point someone else has until it is completely unrecognisable from the original point. This is also called a lie.

What Drives The Gun Cult

"I was recently asked to answer a question on Quora about gun rights activists. Here was my response."

Which was immediately voted to non-existence.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Silly boy.

Supreme Court Vacancy

Senate constitutional duties - Advise and Consent.


[kuh n-sent]
verb (used without object)
1. to <b>permit, approve, or agree</b>; comply or yield (often followed by to or an infinitive):

 Yup, looks like Marxy has the vacancy sign on his head.

A Gun That Offered No Protection

"Having a gun increase, not decreases, your chances of being shot."

Absolutely untrue. Marxy has had this explained to him over and over. Not holding my breath that it will sink in.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Marxy round up....

What I Saw on my Winter Vacation

Don't bother. Nikto takes a trip throughout an area where people are culturally different and he bitches about how different they are. Isn't it funny that  "tolerant liberals" aren't very likely to actually be so?

The Trump Rally 

 Marxy passes 'comedy' off as biting commentary. It's a repeat.

A Stew of Resentment and Victimization

"Sounds to me like a cult...:)

Or a gun blog...same thing..."
I wonder how many 'gun blogs' Marxy has actually visited. No I don't, he has stated he only knows one. Smallest minority.

Nice insult to Kevin there Marxy. You know, the same guy you pretend to be civil towards.

Like when you say that you would like to never mention TSM or it's commentors ever again - you should probably not insult them on a regular basis. Unless of course you want more comments about you as well....

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Trump the Loser

Trump the Loser

As Kevin Baker says - when someone else says something better than I can, get out of his way and let him speak.

From Dave Herring at Atomic Fungus:

Francis Porretto points out something that's been obvious for a while, but we do need to be reminded:
The media are lavishing disproportionate attention on Marco Rubio for finishing third, just behind Trump. This might be their Plan B for the collapse of Jeb Bush’s campaign. Remember that the media are wholly aligned with the Democrat Party. Thus, when they favor one Republican over another, it’s because they believe their chosen Republican is the one the ultimate Democrat nominee will find easiest to defeat. Rubio, whose Senate career started with much fanfare, since then has demonstrated a willingness to waffle, to fudge on the facts, and to trim his sails for votes and favorable coverage. These are not general-election assets for a Republican candidate.
The media loves Rubio because he's an easily defeatable candidate. That's why the lefties are collectively shitting their pants over Trump; he's going to be really difficult for Clinton and/or Sanders to beat, and--worse!--if he were actually to win he might make good on at least some of his promises, which would be disastrous for their long-term goals.

Meanwhile, Trump's second place finish in Iowa means he has one less delegate than the first place winner, Cruz. As I said yesterday, anything less than a total defeat is a win for Trump, given his outsider status in the GOP and his complete unwillingness to toe the line set by the GOP elites. (Eschewing the Fox debate was as much a middle finger in their face as Fox's. Think about it.) Regardless, both Cruz and Trump are anathema to the Establishment; their preferred candidate was Jeb Bush, who has almost completely imploded--thank God!--which is why all their hopes are being pinned on Rubio.