Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Boy, Marxy is on a roll

A roll of continued tantrum throwing that is.

Note to Marxy:

The nazi card is played out. Nobody but sore losers believe it or care.

That Russian hacking? If by saying Russia influenced the election you really mean they exposed the truth of Democratic corruption, malfeasance and criminal activity - you should be happy that Trump isn't addressing it because such an address would require an investigation. Such would certainly result in about half your party serving prison sentences.

Friday, December 23, 2016

More Boom!

Fascism! Putin! Some long uncontrolled rant!

My oh my. Delicious head exploding. Getting pretty unhinged in Markadelphia-ville.

Monday, December 19, 2016

More enjoyable head exploding.

Marxy's seven eighty stages of grief have been on display lately. It's been fun, but also sad to watch.

Look Marxy, all this derangement is going to eat you up. Relax or your mental health professional might have to institutionalize you.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Re: Weather Channel To Brietbart: Shut The Fuck Up

Weather Channel To Brietbart: Shut The Fuck Up

"fully and completely refuted by peer reviewed science."

Election notes

I said almost two years ago that I would enjoy watching Marxy's head explode when a GOP candidate won the election.

I have been enjoying it. The schadenfreude I have been experiencing from all the exploding heads among his fellow travellers has been sublime.

I haven't boasted of it as it would feel as making fun of a disabled kid.

Then comes Mark's post today.

Look Marxy dude, in the words of your hero - you lost. You are now flailing about like nothing has changed. It has. While you attack the "right-wing blogger" as if they were still the disfavoured you forget that you are now in that position. You are not in the position of strength. You are the ignored voice shouting in the wind. You are the one having the adolescent power fantasy.

You are the "left-wing blogger", and that is said with all the disdain and scorn that you have always conveyed upon that title.