Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Someone on the internets is wrong.....

The wailing from Marxy and Nikita have continued unabated. Nothing new there. No reason to comment on that.

However two posts from Marxy who knows everything and can't be wrong require a bit of comment.

The Report The Trump Administration Is Supressing

Ole Marximus apparently bit on this without doing any background investigation. That's alright I guess because the NYT didn't either. The difference is that the NYT retracted this story when it became apparent that it was bullshit nonsense.

Marxy hasn't.

The Pajama Boy Wearing Mom Jeans

I love this one. Marxadoofus asks "what the fuck is a "pajama boy who wears mom jeans?""

This is from the guy who insists he is informed. Knows conservative thoughts. Is open and reflective. And then he asks this question. A question that he would know the answer to if he had at any point in the last couple years stepped outside of his ideological bubble. Take the blinders off once a while Mark, it'll help you be more open and reflective.