Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

A White American Christian

A White American Christian


  1. And you tagged that post with "Christian Conservatives".

    A group that you are prejudiced against.......

    A group that you have called for violent action against......

    Despite all this you have ONE example of a person who HAPPENS to be a Christian who committed a terrorist act that is not LINKED to his religion.

    On the other hand you have many hundreds of terrorist attacks committed IN THE NAME of a particular religion.

    Basically your comparison is invalid.

  2. Oh, good grief. He might've been raised Catholic (sic 'em, Nikto), but he certainly wasn't a practicing Christian when he committed the bombing, as even a 20-second Google search or Wikipedia shows, though he did take last rites before being executed. HOWEVER, that asshole didn't claim to bomb in the name of Christ, didn't claim to be acting in the name of God, etc., etc., etc. Can you not see the f***ing difference?

  3. No, he cannot see the difference through the fog of his progressivism.

  4. Apparently, he's still pondering whether or not to reject this one, though I expect he will.

    The damned fool can't even see that no one called Yassir Arafat an Islamic terrorist because he wasn't one. He was raised Muslim, but was likely of a communist-atheist bent, having been educated at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, and his acts were of a purely political nature, like McVeigh's. But Marxie is impenetrable to facts. Like certain socialist mother-in-laws....
