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Monday, November 30, 2015

Domestic Terrorism in Colorado Egged on by Republican Presidential Candidates

Domestic Terrorism in Colorado Egged on by Republican Presidential Candidates

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaannnndddd now we have Nikto bringing up the old and tired 'it's the rhetoric' argument.

    I'll post this from GayPatriot as first response:

    *We* Don’t Make Heroes Out of Violent Psychopaths

    A violent psychopath went on a shooting spree near a Planned Parenthood butcher shop over Thanksgiving weekend.

    He will not become a martyr and symbol of any movement, like violent thug Michael Brown.

    No one on the right will wear a T-shirt or wave a banner emblazoned with his image, like mass-murdering communist icon Che Guevara.

    He will not be given a teaching position at the University of Illinois and become a celebrated community organizer like unrepentant left-wing terrorist Bill Ayers.

    He will not be given a job as a correspondent for taxpayer-funded NPR, become a cause celebre among the Hollywood left, and given honorary degrees like left-wing cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal.

    The Right does not make violent sociopaths into heroes.

    The Left does.

    You will also not see anyone on the left go out of their way to claim that he does not represent the peaceful majority of people who oppose abortion-for-convenience.

    Followed up by this:

    Denver Post: Stop blaming political debate for nutcases

    The editorial board for the Denver Post did what the Washington Post’s news department apparently wouldn’t — stuck up for free speech.

    Let that sink in a bit N.

    When exactly were these videos “discredited”? Even the report produced on behalf of Planned Parenthood admitted that “these analysts found no evidence that CMP inserted dialogue not spoken by Planned Parenthood staff,” and only objected that “they do not present a complete or accurate record of the events they purport to depict.” That is a claim that can be made about any edited video, including every single one aired by CBS News, including its non-live interviews. Another analysis produced on behalf of the Alliance Defending Freedom found that “the video recordings are authentic and show no evidence of manipulation or editing.”

    Uh huh. Stop claiming the videos are discredited. Apparently 'discredited' is leftist speak for 'you caught us and we have nothing but hand waving to defend ourselves with'.
