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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Gun Laws I Want Here In The United States - or Marxy finally came out of the closet.

The Gun Laws I Want Here In The United States


  1. Yep.

    I'm done living under their rules for guns...rules that are currently the most acute threat to our national security....rules that a small percentage of our population gets to dictate.

    I'm even more tired of the current strategy that gun safety proponents are advocating. They are making the same mistake that President Obama made when he tried to meet the Cult halfway. They don't want to meet halfway. They are on the one yard one on the right side of the field, especially when it comes to this issue. So, gun safety advocates have to start on the one yard line on the left side of the field and work to the middle.

    Let's begin with this: FUCK THE SECOND AMENDMENT.


    I'll just get right to it - Mark, that is the extremist position. It's not a surprising position, as nobody ever believed you when you said you were not anti-gun. You just argued the anti-rights, repressive angle too much.


    Of course nobody ever believed you when you said no one was coming to get our guns either. And your true colors have come out here. While you aren't actually coming to get anyone's guns (you are too much of a coward for that) you won't hesitate to send other people with guns to do your dirty work.


    Which is why we won't negotiate with people like you. You lie. You've been lying for years. And at any time we had 'compromised' with you - the next year you would have been back demanding more. You don't and have never wanted a compromise. You want capitulation. You demand surrender.


    No. Fuck you.

  2. No, let's use the First amendment to say, "Fuck those who want to fuck the Second Amendment. And especially fuck those who pretended for years not to want to fuck the Second Amendment, but found it convenient to prevaricate their true views." And I really especially want those that find it convenient to not properly enforce the gun laws already on the books because if they did, there wouldn't be calls for for more restrictions on gun rights. Especially fuck those people. With tar and feathers.
