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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Cue The Islamophobia

Cue The Islamophobia


  1. From someone who went through their own issues with anger, hate and fear

    Your own failings as a human are no excuse for others to not act all grown up and stuff.

    it can only be one through free trade and free markets

    This is a fight over such free markets. The free market in terrorists.

    See, there is no way to vet the incoming refugees. That means that there is no way to keep out the terrorists who mingle with the refugees. Basically this is a terrorist free trade agreement and people who think and stuff have legitimate reasons to want to slow the feel good bandwagon down a little.

    Calling it racisssss! does no good (that's your guys go to tactic and it's tiring). Look, bad things happen. That does not mean WE have to bring people here. It's not racist to say so. The objection has nothing to do with skin color and a lot to do with security breech's.

    Your side is pretty much clueless when it comes to national security - and everybody knows it. So when the side who has a clue says to hold on a second - you should listen.

  2. I don't know, Others would disagree with your vast knowledge of Islamic belief and history.

    For that matter, there are more than a few in the Dar al-Islam that claim that that the Saudis or the Shiites or the Alawites or the Sufi are not Islamic. Who among all those Muslims should we agree represent "true" Islam? Many Turks, generally considered "moderate" Islam, booed the moment of silence for the victims at a Turkish soccer match Tuesday, then broke into a chant of, "Allahu akbar!" And Turkish President Erdogan ridiculed the idea of a "moderate" Islam, claiming there "is only Islam," and that the term "moderate" Islam is ugly and hateful. Are you ugly and hateful?

    I don't doubt that the majority of Muslims are peaceful, yet Islam itself is remarkably unpeaceful periodically through history, as anyone who has actually studied much history knows. I think that those who keep chanting "Islam is a Religion of Peace, Islam is a Religion of Peace," rather give the lie to the chant because if it were actually so, it wouldn't need to be chanted so often and so mindlessly.

    Islamic State followers in the US, France, etc., are angry at the lack of freedom???? Where the f*** do they think they're living? Syria???

    Now how do you give the Islamic State's people in Iraq and Syria freedom, for Christ's sake? This is nonsensical gibberish.

    I would bet that the German and Italian fascists, and the Japanese Imperialists, would disagree with you that military action solves nothing. There are many cases where military action has solved things for one side or another. Considering that all of North Africa and much of the Middle East were once Christian until conquered by Muslim armies, I suspect even ISIS would vehemently and scornfully disagree with you.

    Good Grief.

  3. And for crying out loud, when you've even lost Kevin Drum at The Nation, maybe you should reconsider your position.

    Especially when DHS has proven itself very often incompetent when it comes to illegal immigrants guilty of felonies that have been caught and then released back into the American population. Combine incompetence on our side and corrupt or non-existent bureaucracy on the Syrian side, what do you think will happen?

    If 1/10 of 1% of the 65,000 "Syrian" refugees Hillary wants to admit as a start turn out to be bad apples, that's enough for 8 Paris attacks. Will you rest on your laurels, then?
