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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Three Tour Iraq Vet Murdered By Gun Cult

Three Tour Iraq Vet Murdered By Gun Cult

1 comment:

  1. It's time we stopped them as we would any other threat to national security and I can't think of any entity more equipped than the federal government:)

    Why are gun control advocates so violent?

    Markadoodle - you are not normal, not reasonable, not mainstream, not decent.

    You are advocating for civil war, democide, genocide, politicide.

    You are extreme, narrow minded, violent, brutal, repressive.

    If, god forbid, your dreams of civil war ever come true I hope you are not under the illusion that you would somehow come out of it unscathed.

    p.s. how creepy is it that at the end of that quote - immediately after calling for violent government assault on US citizens, Mark places a smiley face emoticon? He's a freeking sociopath.
