Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Okay, Ted. Which way do you want it?

Okay, Ted. Which way do you want it?

1 comment:

  1. egged on by people like Ted Cruz and Pam Geller.

    It used to be that one could count on the left to be the unconditional supporters of free speech. Sadly no longer.

    There are no dots to connect to ISIS, because the perpetrators executed these attacks on their own initiative,

    Apparently Nikto hasn't heard of 4th generation warfare.

    the dots that connect these terrorist attacks can be seen every day on television and the web as we watch American jets bomb Muslim countries,

    Wait! I thought it was a cartoon that did it?

    American drones kill innocent bystanders

    Thanks Obama!

    Americans still occupying Muslim countries for more than a decade.

    Funny, Americans occupied Germany and Japan for quite a while too. Why aren't they excused for blowing up Americans regularly?

    When you have 40 armed guards and a SWAT team on-site it's clear you're setting a trap. Ha ha, Pam

    Wow. She was clearly wanting to be raped since she was wearing that short skirt....

    Every time Pam Geller or Ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham and the other conservative whack jobs open their yaps and repeat that we need to wage a new Crusade against Islam, more American Muslims start believing that ISIS is right.

    No. Every time some Muslim whack job decides to kill someone for offending them more and more Americans start believing that maybe Islam is indeed waging a war against our way of life - a way of life that includes free speech.
