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Thursday, October 8, 2015

A New Way to Tackle Gun Deaths

A New Way to Tackle Gun Deaths


  1. One problem is that the gun lobby has largely blocked research on making guns safer.

    Can either you or Kristof name a single issue about guns that operate incorrectly or are dangerous in their proper operation?

    No? Then this is an ignorant and unlike comparison. But I suspect you know that.

    Why is Congress enabling pipelines of guns to criminals?

    I doubt you or Kristof could explain this in any detail whatsoever. Yet you think this is the height of educated debate. It is nothing but pure ignorance.

    A poll this year found that majorities even of gun-owners favor universal background checks; tighter regulation of gun dealers; safe storage requirements in homes; and a 10-year prohibition on possessing guns for anyone convicted of domestic violence, assault or similar offenses.

    No it didn’t and you have been shown that this is untrue.

    We should also be investing in “smart gun” technology, such as weapons that fire only with a PIN or fingerprint.

    Go for it. The NRA is not against it.

    We should adopt microstamping that allows a bullet casing to be traced back to a particular gun.

    Another piece of ignorance.

    We can require liability insurance for guns, as we do for cars.

    Can you actually show a number that would show any knowledge whatsoever on this topic? What sort of problem would this solve?

  2. Do you need any more fisking of this bunch of old time "new way" to be anti-gun?
