Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Republicans Take Ball, Go Home

Republicans Take Ball, Go Home


  1. Wait, you think they should have their inter-party debates in a hostile environment?

    For fucks sake dude - you can't even stand to have debate in your home court and you seriously expect the GOP to stand for that shoddy excuse for moderation?

    You took your ball and ran a long time ago - and you are still doing it at Quora - yet you call expecting a debate host to be at least a little unbiased as some sort of temper tantrum?

  2. Oh puhleez. Why should Republicans have most of their debates moderated by hostile, even openly hostile, people? Especially after the appallingly childish performance by the CNBC crew. One that Terry McAuliffe of all people thought was heavily biased and wrong. After that, only a lunatic would think they'll get a fair shake from the usual suspects. They've finally wised up after how many years? Even the Stupid Party is capable of learning, though I note the RNC probably wasn't going to do anything until the candidates themselves decided the RNC has its head up its ass when it comes to the media.

    How many Democratic Party have been or will be hosted by Fox News? Uh huh. That's what I thought. Since I'm so sure they'll be toughly questioned by MSNBC, Move On, PBS, and Univision. Snort. It is to laugh.

  3. Not to mention that in the 2007 election both Hillary and Obama boycotted the Fox debates......

    Hmmm, no childish tantrums there huh?

    I went looking for Marks reaction to that - none. But I did find this little gem:

    Marxy said: "I think Hillary Clinton is a liar....
    I wanted to like Hillary, y'know, I really did. The first woman president? We need a goddess in the White House. But Hillary? Nope. She is too far gone around the bend. Her time in Washington has made her cold and calculating--she'd give Dick Vader a run for his money, no doubt...
    At the end of the day, I am finding it a real struggle to see a difference between her and W. ....."

    Wow. And this is the candidate the Mark wants now?

    Oh, this might explain it: "The other thing is that if she is elected, our country would remain as divided as we are now."

    Ahhh, I guess this was back when Marxy wasn't part of and enthusiastic for the division.
