Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Good Words

Good Words


  1. Wowsa!!!!

    Mark considers people who support an ENUMERATED CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to be criminally responsible and comparable to " totalitarian and ideological instransigent groups". He then calls for them to be "TAKEN OUT". Is there any doubt what he is calling for is violence or suppression.

    This is a guy who used to claim those same people were nuts because "nobody is coming for your guns". I guess they're only coming for us, not our guns. It's not paranoia when they're really out to get you.

    Mark has chosen his side and made his intentions clear. He considers his political opponents to be actual enemies and wants them eliminated. I don't want to get all Godwin, but the comparison is a little too apt - and unfortunately the words that make that comparison are directly from his mouth.

  2. Even way back when he was claiming to be "reasonable" about guns, he'd sometimes let the mask slip when pushed. Which is why I always thought he was lying. What bothers me is that so many leftists no longer feel that they need to disguise their true desires/intents.

  3. I've been noticing that they are getting more shrill and less circumspect. I think it's because they are more desperate. That's good as only the losing side gets desperate. On the other hand desperate people are both unpredictable and dangerous.
