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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Crushing It

Crushing It


  1. As I predicted and I'll stand behind it - if any GOP candidate wins M will blow a bowel. And I'll enjoy every moment of it.

    I'll also predict that if any GOP wins then M will waffle as to the cause - sorta retracting what he's been saying and pretty much reversing the whole - 'crushing it' metric.

  2. I was wondering just how much he'd be creaming his jeans over the "wonderful" performances of our now openly Socialist Party. Not that there was much doubt about it. Unless Weekend at Bernie "The Shouting Zombie" Sanders bit the head off a chicken on stage, and Hilarity "Cackles" Clinton vomited on the moderators, they were prejudged "to have crushed it." Even the three dwarfs on stage with them.

  3. All Pantsuit had to do was not flub it. Hell, her defense of capitalism would have had Marxy arguing with her - so I'm not so sure I believe that past the commercial break....

    Bernie's defense of her e-mail situation....I really hope he doesn't expect to get some sort of payback for that.

    But yeah, unless they did something that offended socialists like Marxy then there was no way they weren't going to 'crush' it.
