Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

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  1. I'm not sure if Mark realizes his link goes to The Onion.

    "I say we expand this program to cover all gun bloggers and commenters on gun blog sites:) "

    But I'm pretty sure this statement is not satire and is truly what Mark believes. So, in other words, Mark would like to punish with government raids people who use their first amendment rights to further their second amendment rights.

    And he claims that they are the threat to this country?

  2. Again, in the event of "reasoned discourse" ("SHUT UP!" he explained):

    You "joke", but it's as much of a joke as Obama "joking" a few years ago about siccing the IRS on his political opponents. Ha, ha, motherfucker. I guess you would just be hunky-dory with right-wing bloggers "joking" about a President Trump/Cruz/Carson/(insert your biggest bugaboo here) having the FBI do the same to all left-wing Marxian bloggers, right? Right? And totally understanding when the knock came on your door, because some doofus's can't be entrusted with educating children... Not so funny when turned around, is it?
