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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Declining Gun Ownership

Declining Gun Ownership

1 comment:

  1. I'll always be amused by the calisthenics on display by the Gun Cult when the facts of declining gun ownership are presented.

    And I'll always be amused by facts and logic bouncing straight off your forehead.

    This has been addressed before and before and before.

    Some choice quotes:

    But that doesn't fit the Narrative of gun owners as The Other, a declining demographic of middle-aged overweight white men with "low sloping foreheads" that will eventually die off and can therefore be dismissed

    So anathema are guns among my friends that when one learned I was doing this piece, he opened his wallet, silently pulled out an NRA membership card, then (after I recovered from the sight) asked me not to spread it around lest his son be kicked out of nursery school.

    Kicked out of nursery school? Wow. Guess that would lead to people doing something like this:

    How can gun sales be so high but "ownership" be declining? My guess is the answer not reported in the polls: "None of your business!"

    You'll note, also, that after the 1998 survey the response rate dropped to about 70%, so right off the bat about 30% of the people they go to interview now tell the interviewers (in effect) "F$%# off!"

    Gee, I wonder what the gun ownership rate in that demographic is?

    Then there's this one:

    A recent Zogby Analytics survey asked, "If a national pollster asked you if you owned a firearm, would you determine to tell him or her the truth or would you feel it was none of their business?” Thirty-five percent of current gun owners said it was none of pollsters’ business. People who claim that they are not gun owners are slightly more likely to answer this way.

    On a final note:

    The NRA knows this and their masters in the gun industry (side note: also eternally amused by the men who run the NRA who claim to be all about individualism and freedom. How does it feel to someone's bitch every single fucking day?)

    Hahhahhahhahhahha! hahhhahha! hahahh! ha! Good one Mark. It's almost like you've completely ignored reality in order to say that one. Fact check - where does the NRA's money come from?
