Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

From the post - Hillary Mental Meltdown Syndrome

Hillary Mental Meltdown Syndrome

Latest comments:

Markadelphia said...
I deleted your comment, GD, because you broke the rule regarding arguments about arguments/personal remarks/childish taunting

 GuardDuck said... Well, we disagree on that.....

Now that you have been provided with the information, do you have any comment?

Markadelphia said...
I'm not going to comment on a single source of information unless we're talking about mere opinion. Since the article is presenting this stuff as fact, I'd like to see some more sources that say the same thing...non bubble sources.

My overall comment still stands....so what? Conservatives should be focusing on why their policies would be better for the country. Now why aren't they doing that?:)

GuardDuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. 
 (Here I explained to him that another source was not necessary as all he needed to do was read the link provided to find all the information neccesary to make a judgement.)

GuardDuck said...
My overall comment still stands....so what? Conservatives should be focusing on why their policies would be better for the country. Now why aren't they doing that?:)

So it doesn't matter that she may have lied, committed crimes, leaked confidential information to foreign governments...or was just too monumentally stupid to know better - these things don't matter when discussing the potential next Democratic Presidential candidate.

What's really, really important is to turn the focus upon the Republicans......

GuardDuck said...

You can't keep claiming that the piece is an opinion when everytime I show you that it isn't you delete my comment.

Further comments I will post here as comments.


  1. So in response to the last, Mark deleted the comment and posted this:

    Markadelphia said...

    That's because you continue to leave comments which contain personal remarks about me and are falling into the "arguments about arguments" category. You've also left some comments that are mis-characterizing what I am saying but since they are generally about Hillary Clinton and other politicians, I guess they are fine

    Replied with:

    GuardDuck said...

    You asked me a question. I answered the question.

    Perhaps you can explain to me how to answer a question from YOU addressed to ME without addressing it back to YOU?

    That previous one you deleted was not in any way shape or form breaking the rules.

  2. Previous comment deleted. Of course.

    Posted this:

    Mark, you need to help me out here.

    I do not see how these comments, that you keep deleting are violating the rules.

    You asked a question, I answered it.

    If answering your question is a violation of the rules then the very act of you asking it is a violation.

    If you can't explain how the rule is violated - specifically - then your rules are arbitrary.

    If they are arbitrary, fine - state so up front and cease the fiction that you are anything resembling fair.

  3. Which was of course deleted...

    Then he posted this:

    Markadelphia said...

    I've explained myself several times, GD. Arguing about arguments (you wrote this, I wrote that etc) and personal remarks are no longer allowed on this site. Even this comment is essentially doing that. Stick to comments about public figures, groups of people and leave me out of it.

    Hmmm. Let's look at that.

    How exactly does one answer a question without referring to the asking in doing so? Especially when the questioner refuses your answer and the reason they refuse to accept it is categorically incorrect?

    Mark has set himself up in a situation where he can say "I reject your reality" and any thing you say to show him he is incorrect is 'against the rules' and gets deleted.

  4. Figures. He can keep his facade going a bit longer

  5. All the while losing any lingering scrap of legitimacy.

    Welcome to the blog 6Kings.

    Comment all you want - no 'reasoned discourse' here.
