Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

We've Already Had This Conversation

We've Already Had This Conversation


  1. Well Mark had a new commenter.

    He already experienced 'reasoned discourse'.

    Funny enough, after 'moderating' the new guy's comment - Mark made a comment that violates his own rules by directing that comment towards the commenter. Tsk, tsk.

    See how hard it is to have a conversation with a person without being able to direct a comment to that person Mark?

  2. Oh and in the comments:

    With this new law, can a business owner refuse to serve gay people at their business due to religious objection without having the burden of the state compelling then to do so? The answer is YES.

    Hmmmm, slippery slope argument.

  3. Poor Mark. Has a new commenter and keeps deleting his comments. Newsflash Marxy - a conversation is an exchange between party's. In an exchange, the party's need to interact upon the idea's being expressed by the others. If you outlaw the party's from being able to discuss the idea's presented by the others then all you are left with is each party spouting their idea and forbidding the ideas expressed from being discussed. In other words your set-up mandates people talking past each other.

    On second thought that's probably just what you want. If your ideas can't be discussed and analysed then you probably think that it keeps them from being exposed....
