Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Gun Cult's History of Flip Flopping

The Gun Cult's History of Flip Flopping


  1. However, this incident reminds me of a time when the NRA once supported gun control. Yep, that's right, folks, they surely did.

    Way to see the world in black and white Mark.

    Let's try a more nuanced view - using some good words from your favorite site:

    First off, let's remember that the NRA dates back to around the civil war... So it's hardly unexpected that there has been some changes in its view over the years.

    For a very long time (until 1977) the NRA wasn't terribly political. While it did participate in input into things like the National Firearms Act of 1934, it's hard to say that this was "lobbying for restrictions". It was merely input into legislation.

    During the 1970's, organizations like Handgun Control, Inc. started coming up that outright advocated for wide scale gun control, with the end goal of a total ban on all civilian gun ownership. In response to this, elements of the NRA membership became increasingly concerned that the NRA was becoming a conservation organization, and abandoning its pro 2nd amendment mission. These elements took control of the NRA at its convention in 1977. After 1977, the NRA has never advocated for more gun control, although it has advocated for existing laws to be enforced.

    And this one:

    Up until about 1975, the National Rifle Association was all about marksmanship and training, shooting ranges and safety. The NRA supported the 1934 National Firearms Act and the 1968 Gun Control Act, but with the passage of the '68 GCA, there began to be some pushback within the organization.

    So the membership of the NRA began to realize with the passage of the '68 GCA that the end game being pursued wasn't "public safety," but public disarmament in the name of safety. After all, the argument promoted by gun "control" advocates is "more guns = more crime" and "the number of guns is the problem." Carry that logic through. If "the number of guns is the problem," then ipso facto, decreasing the "number of guns" must be the solution, no?

    I'm going to amend my original prediction regarding how gun laws will be changed in this country. It may be due to some horrible shooting at a gun rights event or it may when white American feels more threatened by non white America. This doesn't just include African Americans. If a substantial number of Islamic people start shooting up parts of our country, watch how the NRA and other gun rights people start a flippin' and a floppin'!

    Ha! Now I got to ask. If originally gun control was a semi-opaque method of keeping guns out of the hands of minorities - i.e. whites could still get guns while blacks couldn't - just how do you think this lofty projection would play out? Do you really think that if white America decided to create more gun control to keep guns out of the hands of minorities that they would do so in a way that also kept guns out of the hands of whites? That's a rather naive view isn't it?

  2. It'll never go through, man. I seem to have been hit by a silent ban-hammer. Though honestly, I think he and Nikto would get mightly lonely in their little bubble with only each other to talk to. But it would be cozy, no doubt.

  3. You too huh? Seems weird that a guy would run a blog and post daily just to close himself up in silence. Most people who run blogs want people to read AND respond.

  4. "Reasoned discourse", indeed. Granted, after years of his whirligig evasions and distortions and outright lies, I simply skipped over the preliminaries and went directly into the sarcasm and insults. But I thought I been playing by the rules, but I forgot Calvinball has no rules...

  5. Heh. That's just it Larry. If I'd have complained that he wasn't letting my comments through he would have said something along the lines of 'my blog, my rules. Want free speech, get your own blog'. But since he didn't tell me to get my own blog first, apparently I broke the rules. Calvinball indeed.
