Just a place where comments on posts from Welcome to Markadelphia (i.e. Zombie Politics) aren't moderated out of existence.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Fine Tuning the Gay-Dar

Fine Tuning the Gay-Dar

1 comment:

  1. Oh the vapors!!!!

    If you’re against Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration law because you believe it’s anti-gay, then you must also believe the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act introduced by noted anti-gay bigot Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), passed by the House on a voice vote, and signed into law by another hateful, anti-gay bigot President Clinton is also anti-gay.

    Mark likes to claim that Republicans are anti-science. I guess this means he is anti-knowledge. That what this hissy fit is all about - emotion trumps all I guess.

    From the same link:

    Maybe the new standard on religious freedom (and by extension free speech) should be: If the religious practice or speech is popular, it’s fine. If not, too bad.


    So please, tell me again how Indiana’s 2015 legislation, taken almost verbatim from the federal government’s 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, is a masterwork of gay hatred. If you choose to do so, please explain in detail the functional differences between the two pieces of legislation.

    Yes, please enlighten us.

    How's about this then?

    Chicago Mayor Tries To Attract Businesses From Indiana Because Of RFRA Law Just Like The One In Illinois.

    Illinois has had a RFRA law since 1998 – and one of the legislators who voted for it was Barack Obama.

    Hahhahhahhahhah ah ahha hhahhha hah!
